Support videos

Support videos

21 Aug 2023
Write by sibo team

Explore a comprehensive collection of support videos designed to help you on sibo every day


Collection of all support videos

1. White Label Website
Customize apartment thumbnails on the homepage

2. Easy way to duplicate entire Journey workflow

3. Extend calendar base availability 

4. How to send an invoice to guest?

5. How to approve a guest's ID?

6. How to send "Pay-link" and deposit links?

7. How to process a payment and set up paying Later?

8. Dashboard

9. How to customize your bookings table view?

10. Cleaning Manager

11. CMS – House Rules Manager

12. How to get Paylink / Deposit link from sibo mobile version?

13. How to manually reporting a payment in sibo?

14. How to create a booking on sibo mobile?

15. How to block/unblock dates on sibo mobile?

16. How to change the price on sibo mobile?

17. How to make a Relocation (Direct) ?
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Support videos

Explore a comprehensive collection of support videos designed to help you on sibo every day

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Work Smarter with Touchpoint messaging workflow in sibo's Journey

Automate all event-related guest messages to enhance the guest experience, such as sending emails or messages on other channels when a reservation is made, sending online check-in instructions after 1 day, sending event reminder emails, etc. We offer you the opportunity to work smarter and improve the user experience for your guests.

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How does the sibo Online Check-In work?

Facilitate your guest's journey with the online check-in process, and receive all the relevant information in sibo prior to their arrival.

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How to use the owner portal?

Transparency with owners is the key to your success as a vacation rental business. Through sibo, Property owners can access  their own portal to be aware about every relevant information related to their listings.

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